A hearty and traditional recipe - cabbage leaves stuffed with ground beef and rice, coated in homemade tomato sauce.

Ingredients: cabbage, onions, ground beef, plum tomatoes, spaghetti sauce (tomato, water, sugar, corn starch, salt, dehydrated onion, vegetable oil, garlic, basil, spices, citric acid), sour cream (milk ingredients, corn starch, guar gum, carrageenan, locust bean gum, sodium nitrate, bacterial culture), bacon (pork, salt, sugar, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium erythorbate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium nitrate), green peppers, tomato paste (tomatoes, sugar, pure canola oil), rice, vinegar (contains sulphites), butter, salt, pepper, spices.

370 grams - serves 1 (2 cabbage rolls)

860 grams - serves 2 (4 cabbage rolls)

The Village Kitchen is a family owned and operated grocery store and prepared foods kitchen based out of Unionville, Ontario. All of their prepared foods are made from scratch with high quality meats, produce and dairy.

Village Kitchen - Classic Cabbage Rolls with Ground Beef + Rice

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