Every effort is made to include all the items as listed. In the event that a product is sold out or short shipped, a product of equal or greater value will be substituted to complete your order.

This basket is full of treats including:

- I Love MOM + Chocolate

- Toffee Pretzels Gift Bag

- Giant Milk Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel Patty

- Milk Chocolate Caramel Pecan Patty

- Rheo Thompson Milk Mint Smoothie Bar

- Rheo Thompson Dark Mint Smoothie Bar

- Spuds Finest All-Ontario Kettle Chips

- Brie

- Cracked Wheat Crackers

- Red Pepper Jelly

- Pompom Daisy Stems

- Heavenly Cream 15ct Tea Sachet Box

- Chia Cracker

- Luscious Lemon Shorttbread

Springtime Splendor Gift Basket

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