White and dark succulent turkey accompanied with roasted butternut squash, peas and cranberries in a rich and flavourful gravy, and topped with creamy mashed potatoes.

Ingredients: Turkey, butternut squash, peas, onion, celery, potato, rosemary, poultry seasoning, sage, cinnamon, chicken base (concentrated chicken broth, salt, sugar, yeast extract, chicken fat, corn starch, natural flavour, citric acid), corn starch, garlic, cream, butter, cranberry sauce.

Large (serves 3-4)

Sharman's Proper Pies all started at their local farmers market in 2017. They knew Toronto needed to be introduced to British pie culture and after selling pies to their family and friends, this thought was confirmed. The city was missing out and needed to be in on our secret. Thus, Sharman’s Proper Pies was born and they've been selling delicious savoury pies ever since. Sharman’s is proud to support local farmers and suppliers in order to bring the highest quality of locally sourced ingredients in each and every pie.

Sharman's Proper Pies - Turkey Dinner with mashed potato topping

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