dairy free, gluten free

This hearty chili is packed with flavour! Lean turkey, quinoa, beans and fresh veggies are richly spiced and simmered in housemade turkey bone broth.

Ingredients: Ground turkey, quinoa, onions, red & white kidney beans, tomatoes, celery, garlic, chipotle peppers, housemade turkey bone broth, corn, DSG chipotle infused olive oil, DSG maple infused balsamic vinegar, sugar, salt, spices.

serves 2-3 (depending on desired portion size)

Dana Shortt opened her prepared foods shop in 2004 with the goal of bringing elevated comfort food home. Our kitchen team prepares all of our dishes from scratch and with care, using only the best quality ingredients and working with local farms throughout the seasons.

DSG - Lean Turkey + Quinoa Chili

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